Sunday, February 18, 2007

Props To Walmart Manager...

I was at Walmart yesterday and the manager came over the loud speaker just to thank all his associates for working great as a team and giving 100%. I thought that was nice to hear.


hobbitsister said...

That was very nice. I don't think I'd hear that at my Wal-mart, though.

hobbitsister said...

Actually, I'd be even less likely to hear that at Shopko. I don't shop there anymore because their employees are so rude.

BusyMommy said...

I have several stores I avoid because everyone is so crabby and rude. (Especially the kids in customer service when you complain about how awful their employees are.)

hobbitsister said...

:) to the "kids in customer service" line. We were at Wendy's one day and I swear their manager was 15 years old.

BusyMommy said...

I know. Nothing makes me feel older than dealing with "managers" who haven't even graduated high-school:P