Tuesday, August 31, 2010

AJ's Vocabulary...

pe-ty: "See me patting my head? Aren't I pretty? Say I'm pretty or I will yell at you."

no-no: "I know this is something you told me not to do which is why I am doing it. But don't I look pretty?"

NO!: "I do not want to do what you want me to do right now."

tank-ooo: "I am about to steal that cookie you are eating."

mine dat: "See that thing that you put out of my reach? I want it."

hab dat: "I really want to play with that thing you have in your hand so I'm batting my eyelashes at you and being cute so you won't notice when I take it from you."

ah-dun: "I no longer want to be on the floor/in my bed/in the car/in my highchair/in the house/in this state/country/continent."

yum-yum: "I am hungry, but don't try to feed me any vegetables because then I will have spit them at you."

Ah-by: "Look at that pretty baby in that mirror over there!"

Ga-Ga: "I want grandma because she is nicer than you are and only feeds me yum-yums."

bu-bu: "Stop talking, mom, I'm ready to leave now."


Fiona D. said...

I need to teach her the eye rolling, "Muther" (or Polly does).

BusyMommy said...

Or not... :P

Fiona D. said...

They learn it on their own anyway. Usually by the time they hit 11.

HonorMommy said...

I love your definition for ah-dun :-D

Chris G said...

We need to add: I-Keem, which means Ice Cream, whipped cream, yogurt, frosting, sour cream, potatoes, white paint, or anything that may resemble ice cream. (also know as YUM YUM!!)

hobbitsister said...

it's nice to know she doesn't have a poor self-image.

Chris G said...

Of course not-- she's p-tee

melilotnfosco said...

one of these days i need to meet that baby. she's pretty darn cute.