Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why High/Lazy/Stupid People Shouldn't Work Retail...

Borders Employee: This isn't one of the free books.
Me: Yes, it is. Its on the list right here. (Show him the list.)
BE: Ya, but there is a special edition of this book that is like two dollars cheaper. You need that one.
Me (already frustrated because it took me so long to find the books in the first place): Where do I find it?
BE: Its out there somewhere.
Me (incredulously): Is that seriously your answer?
BE (obviously confused): What?
Me: Your answer is "somewhere"? You do work here, right?
BE: What?
Me (disgusted): Could you please tell me where to find the correct book?
BE: Its in the kids department.
Me (seriously annoyed): Of course its in the kids department. Its a children's book. The kids department is half the store. Could you please be more specific.
BE: The kids department is in the back.
Guy in line behind me: Dude! Are you high or just really that lazy?
Lady behind him: Neither. He's just that stupid.


Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect said...

Oh my gosh, I love that you called him on it! Ugh. Bad customer service drives me batty!

melilotnfosco said...

go lady behind him :)

melilotnfosco said...

and yes, like mary said, go you too for calling him on it

hobbitsister said...

wow. just wow.

Rachel Olimb said...

That guy needs a new job for sure!

HonorMommy said...

Good for the lady behind him! :-D