Thursday, September 2, 2010

Zuckered Again...

Hmmmm...I love how they throw in that the minimum age requirement for facebook is 14, but then claim they can't disable the account. I just find this whole thing incredibly confusing. If facebook has rules such as age requirements, then they must have a way to enforce those rules. For example, by shutting down accounts created by children who are breaking them. I just can't believe that they are that incapable of solving this problem. If the mother was asking them to shut down someone else's account I could maybe see an issue, but basically you have someone requesting to close an account they opened. I just think that this is, quite frankly, ridiculous and that facebook and its creator deserve all the bad press they are receiving from this. But maybe that is just me...


hobbitsister said...

i see no reason why fb can't just disable the account.
however...i feel the responsibility here lies with the parent, not fb. why was this child's personal information available online? why wasn't her account closed to anyone but her fb friends?
none of the information we post on the web is completely safe, and parents should be monitoring what their child is posting and doing their best to limit what information is going online.
that being said - arrest the creep who's stalking the poor girl. ultimately, it's his fault.

BusyMommy said...

Oh, I agree with you completely. I think the mother going to the media to blame fb for all her daughters problems didn't really make her out to be an awesome and present mom. I just think fb makes itself look pretty stupid by quoting the age minimum and then following it up with we can't delete the account. Its just stupid.

melilotnfosco said...

that is dumb