Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Spelling Mix-Up...

I was looking at pictures on Facebook and Z asked about one of them...

Z: Who is that?
Me: Your cousin Mr. T.
Z: Who is the girl?
Me: His girlfriend.
Z (giggling): What's her name?
Me: LE, why?
Z: Mr. T and LE sitting in a tree, s-p-j-k-l-m-n-o-p.
M (interrupting): You spelled it wrong.
Z (seriously cracking up): No, I didn't! I wasn't spelling it, I was spelling KISSING!

Z wanders off still laughing and muttering "i-t spells it. Silly M!"

1 comment:

HonorMommy said...

HA!!!!!!!!! I didn't see that one coming! They are way too funny!