Friday, August 31, 2007

If You Give a Z a Sandwich...

If you give a Z a sandwich he will probably take the top off to see what kind it is. Then he will ask you if you have any mustard. You will go to the fridge, locate the mustard and take it to him. When you offer to put it on his sandwich he will remind you that he doesn't like mustard. So you will go back and put the mustard away. As soon as you are as far from the refrigerator as possible he will suddenly remember that he wants a glass of milk. You will pour him the milk and take it to him. Looking at the milk will remind him that their is strawberry syrup in the cupboard. He will probably want you to flavor his milk. Once you've made his strawberry milk he will most likely remember he is in the mood for white milk. You will tell him that he has to drink the strawberry milk first and he will probably cry about it for a while. Crying salty tears will remind him that he wanted some chips. You will have to show him every bag of chips in the house at least 3 times before he will decide to just have crackers. You bring him some crackers to eat, but he will probably not want those crackers and end up "accidentally" throwing them onto the floor. When you remind him that if he doesn't settle down and eat his lunch he will be removed from the table, he will suddenly remember that he is hungry. He will probably ask for something to eat. And, chances are, if he asks for something to eat, he will want anything but the sandwich you've already made.


Chris G said...

Ah- Z is acting very two today?

hobbitsister said...

be careful refusing to make the pink milk white again. he might decide he doesn't like you more than he doesn't like sharks.

BusyMommy said...

Erma really hurt your feelings that time, I remember. Very creative, though.

hobbitsister said...

it hurt, but even then i realized how funny it was.

chelleybutton said...

what a hilarious story! you're really talented! (just how many times have you read "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie?";)

BusyMommy said...

Too many to count...

chelleybutton said...

it's a good one :)

melilotnfosco said...

isn't that just how it goes

BusyMommy said...

I like the "If you give a mom a muffin" email, too:)

chelleybutton said...

hmm, not sure I know that one...