Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Usually I Stay Away From Politics...

But can I just say that pushing through expensive bills with no real way of how to finance them and then saying you are going to reduce our deficit is just plain stupid? For the record I would say that to anyone who was president regardless of party or race. I personally could not make a budget, add in a weekly massage that I have no way to pay for and then expect to come out ahead each month. Or can I??? I think I'll look into that one... And just for fun...


tandemingtroll said...

We love the Tim Hawkins video.

I think, as a nation, we (meaning me, too) need to look at our lives and say, "Don't we have enough? Isn't our job to take care of others?" Unfortunately, if we did that, the economy would have to reconfigure itself because right now, it seems to need us spending ourselves in a hole to prevent a collapse.

BusyMommy said...

Chris and I have said the same thing about nationalized healthcare. If we were doing what God commanded us to do then it wouldn't even really be an issue.