Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Not Hobbitsister's Scout...our Scout. Well, technically he isn't ours...yet. Our friends are getting rid of their dog, but not for the usual reasons. It just doesn't get along well with their other dog. So Scout needs a new home. He is kennel trained, potty trained, obeys basic commands and even does tricks. And he LOVES little boys. In fact his current owner warned us that he will probably want to sleep in Z's bed, under the covers, cuddled up to him. Which is really what Z needs right now. Z has been struggling lately with the fact that his mommy has cancer. He isn't sleeping well and uses any and every excuse to get right back up. Plus, Z loves dogs. He has been begging for a dog ever since he could talk. But he has asthma and we have seen some dogs trigger it. Scout is a short haired chihuahua, so we are praying that Z won't show any signs of allergies and Scout will become a permanent addition to our household. HOWEVER, just in case we are only dog-sitting for awhile. The boys are not aware that Scout may be here to stay, just that he is here to visit. We'll just have to wait and see, but keep Z in your prayers. It does seem like this would only be a positive thing for him.


HonorMommy said...

I hope it works out!

As for the dog allergies...Connor doesn't have dog allergies, but our allergy doctor told us to keep all pets out of his bedroom anyway just to be on the safe side. If it is going to be triggered, having the dog hair in the bedroom while he sleeps is what will do it. So, maybe have Scout sleep outside his bedroom door... just a thought...

HonorMommy said...

Oh, and I'm all for kids having pets :-D. If this doesn't work out, you should look into getting one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds....but hopefully it will work out! He sounds adorable!

Kimberly said...

oh fun!
and praying.

hobbitsister said...

so now are you going to have to specify "today i gave scout a bone - scout my dog, not scout my niece"?

BusyMommy said...

We are keeping him out of Z's room and yes, we will be certain to clarify which Scout we mean. For example right now Scout is sitting under AJ's chair eating the food she drops on the floor. Scout our dog, not Scout our niece. :)