Sunday, January 17, 2010

Veggie Tales Drama...

Tonight our family watched "Rack, Shack and Benny". At one point in time Junior tells Bob and Larry that they shouldn't eat too much chocolate, even though Mr. Nezzer said that they could all they wanted to. Tonight as we are putting Z to bed he begins to cry, very, VERY upset. When we can finally get him to talk about what was wrong, this is what he had to say....

" would the p-p-parents s-s-say that they cou-cou-couldn't eat all the ch-ch-chocolate when he s-s-said that they cou-cou-could?????"

I think he may have missed the point....


hobbitsister said...

should i have the monkey tell z to go ahead and eat all the chocolate?

HonorMommy said...

Hee Hee! :-D

chelleybutton said...

Awww... I really feel for Z!