Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Z's First Crush...

Z has a crush on a little girl in his room who always wears bows in her hair. He drew her a picture of a little boy and a little girl with a bow in her hair holding hands. M helped him spell and he carefully wrote, "Dear A, I like you. Will you play with me? Love, Z". He was a bit nervous about giving her the card so his teacher helped him out. When he came home I asked him if A had played with him and he gave me a HUGE grin and said, "Yes. The ENTIRE RECESS!" Score! Now every evening at dinner Z tells us what color bow A was wearing at school. Today he was trying to explain to us that she was wearing two bows...

Z: Two bows. Not one. And they were white-ish. And she had mom hair.
(I was totally confused until Chris looked at my hair-do and grinned.)
Chris: You mean she had pigtails, like mom?
Z: Yep. Except with bows.

Ahhh, young love...


HonorMommy said...

SOOOOO cute!

hobbitsister said...

my girls and i love this story.

Chris G said...

Remember-- he used to look for the 'pretty cutes' too.

melilotnfosco said...
