Saturday, January 8, 2011

Paxon Ray--December 25, 2010-January 4, 2011...

Today we sat in church and said good-bye to our precious Paxon Ray. I say "our" because God granted me the beautiful privilege of praying and loving Paxon long before we even knew his name. And I have, faithfully. My prayers have gone from daily, to hourly, to constant. And they were answered. Paxon rests safely in the arms of Jesus, whole and perfect. So now my prayer has changed. And I still pray constantly for comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding, because how could anyone understand saying good-bye to their 11-day-old. I can tell you with conviction that he has left a greater legacy in his shortened life than some others will leave in 90 years. God has moved and is still moving and He is using Paxon's story to remind people that all life is beautiful and worth fighting for.

Paxon Ray
Written and Performed by Kristie Braselton

We gazed at you in black and white.
We prayed for you night after night.
Paxon Ray

Those tiny hands and tiny heart.
We fought for you right from the start.
Paxon Ray

Only Jesus knew how long we'd have with you.
So we treasured every moment you were here.

Sweet Paxon Ray, with us just eleven days.
How we wish you could have stayed.
Sweet Paxon Ray, we will hold you once again.
One wonderful day, sweet Paxon Ray.

Oh the joy the day you came.
You were so small and yet so brave.
Our Paxon Ray.

Your fragile fingers gripped us tight.
You wouldn't go without a fight.
Paxon Ray

We know that now our Father has healed your heart for you.
And one day He'll make our broken hearts whole, too.

We weren't finished loving you.
Our little boy, you will always be.
No, we weren't finished loving you.
So we'll love you into eternity.

This road is dark, hard and old.
Our feet are tired, sore and cold.
Today uncertain. Tomorrow unknown.
But He is our light, our shelter, our gold.

-Paxon's Daddy (December 28, 2010)


Fiona D. said...

My heart felt condolences to Paxton's family and all of the friends he made in his short time with us. May God bless you all.

hobbitsister said...

Rejoicing that he is with Jesus, but aching for all those here who love him. You are all in my prayers.

HonorMommy said...

That was a beautiful song/poem. I am crying for Paxon's parents. So sorry for their loss...