Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Instant Gratification

Yesterday I had to have blood drawn, which is never easy for anyone involved. After poking me 14 times to draw 4 vials one of the techs thanked me for my patience. I almost laughed because while outwardly I might have shown patience, inside I was screaming, "I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!" In case you haven't guessed, I am not a patient person. I want instant gratification. In fact, I want it so badly that it actually bothers me when people use the word "instant" incorrectly. "Instant oil changes" and "instant relief" are meant to imply that they are quick, but instant doesn't mean quick, it means NOW. And that is how I feel about weight loss. I want to go through the drive-thru and order a number 3 with a large coke and could you please take off 5 pounds with that? I want to be that woman on the magazine cover with the before picture that looks like the fat lady from the circus and an after picture of Megan Fox, with a headline that reads, "She lost 300 pounds in 2 months without diet, exercise or surgery!!!" (I'm not just impatient. I'm also lazy!) And so outwardly I rejoice when I lose a pound, but inside I'm screaming, "I DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!" Pretty pathetic, when you think about it. Psalm 40:1--I waited patiently for the Lord and He inclined to me and heard my cry. Wait...patiently... Everything about this verse goes against my sinful nature. Do I believe that God will bless my efforts to lose weight? Yes, but I don't want to wait patiently. So I pray for patience and perseverance (Hebrews 12:1). I remind myself that my goal is not just weight loss, but a healthier lifestyle. And relying on God and trusting His timing are definitely the biggest part of that.


chelleybutton said...

Huh. Megan Fox is who I want to look like too. :) Probably not helping that I just went to grab some cookies before I even finished this comment...

I had no idea you wanted to lose weight. You had talked about running every day before even though you said you didn't look like it. I just figured you were one of those "healthy people" that I envied. (I'm trying to run but man, is it slow progress! Definitely not instant -- either by your definition or theirs;)

I agree that it takes too long. :( Although sometimes I do think it's instant -- no results, no results, no results for consistent work, and then all of a sudden my pants are looser, like my body caught up with the work overnight or something. The reverse also happens, of course -- it's discouraging when I eat, eat, eat and am lazy and stay the same size, but then all of a sudden my clothes are too tight. :(

It also stinks to get older -- I seem to think that all I have to do is exercise, but no, I have to both exercise AND eat less/better. Sigh... I think it's good that you remind yourself of all those things though, I definitely could do that more! :) Slow and steady wins the race, I guess... (so contrary to our culture and my selfish nature!)

BusyMommy said...

I'm trying to lose the "baby weight" I put on with AJ. I gained a TON because I miscarried twice right before she was born and then spent most of my pregnancy on bed rest with little to no exercise at all. I have trouble losing weight normally, but it is nearly impossible when I am nursing (some women are just like that). I am bigger than I have ever been and I am not thrilled. However I am doing weight watchers with 2 dear Christian friends who are more than encouraging. I struggled with bulimia all through highschool and during the early years of my marriage, so I have to monitor myself very closely, but so far so good. And I have lost about 10 pounds since I really started trying, its just that whole impatient thing I'm struggling with right now.

Fiona D. said...

My friend, I wholly recommend you enjoy the journey. Time will go by even if you are patient or not.

hobbitsister said...

patience? what's that? i think most of us struggle with that in a big way. i give you so much credit for all the healthful things you are doing. some of us (ok, me) don't even do that.

tandemingtroll said...

I'm right there with you. Whenever I get on the scale during my weekly weigh-in and haven't lost a pound, I think "Grrr. I shouldn't have had that candy bar drink at Starbucks or the extra portion at dinner." Instead, I should be thankful that I haven't GAINED weight. I am averaging losing about 1/2 a pound a week instead of my goal for 1 pound a week. I sometimes think of fasting, for "spiritual" reasons but I haven't yet because I think the "spiritual" reason would be too muddled with weight loss purposes. I am running with Jacques a bit, though most of my exercise is through Wii "Personal Trainer." (the less expensive verson of Wii Fit).