Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm A Mom...

and as a mom I have a choice to make. I can choose to take my children to McDonald's for lunch. I can choose to let them have a happy meal. I can choose to let them have french fries and soda. I can also choose not to take them, not to let them have a happy meal or to make them eat apples and drink milk. They can choose to complain or be satisfied with what they have. If my children whine and I choose to feed them McDonald's so that they stop whining I still make that choice. If I make bad choices for my children that is really not McDonalds fault. There is no logic in blaming McDonalds for my bad choices. The last I checked McDonalds does not deliver, nor do they force me to run my kids through the drive thru. McDonalds is not responsible for childhood obesity. After all, if they weren't making a profit then they wouldn't be selling the things that they are. So please stop filing lawsuits on behalf of "parents" because real parents really don't need the help. Thank you.

(Sorry if this is preachy, but I am so tired of the blame game. Step up already.)


Fiona D. said...

You need a "like" button.

Kimberly said...


HonorMommy said...

AMEN!!! And "GRRRRR" for that article. That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! McDonald's sells a product. If you don't LIKE the product, don't buy it. That article really ticked me off. I think someone needs to sue those lawyers for general stupidness and for wasting the time of the courts.

BusyMommy said...

I know. I love the part where he talks about how parents get run down and how this would be just one less pressure for us to deal with. What!?!?!? Ya, if I didn't have to deal with the pressure McDonalds puts on me to buy happy meals for my kids my life would be SOOOOO much simplier. Thank you so much for knowing just what really puts pressure on us moms. Dorks.

hobbitsister said...

i'm with you, sister! last i checked, it was still a mom's perogative to tell her child 'no' (yes, i realize how shocking that is). let me make choices for my child.

chelleybutton said...

Oh, BROTHER. (to the lawsuit, not to you, I hope that was clear:)

tandemingtroll said...

Preach on, sister! Just another way to treat us all like children, IMHO.

melilotnfosco said...

i'm totally with you on this one. and while we're at it, can i just say that i never died of transfat? they didn't have to change the grease they use on arby's potato cakes to keep me skinny. i had been skinny while eating them. they didn't need to take sugar away from lucky charms or add fiber to froot loops. sometimes i want to eat something that tastes good.
people know that fast food is bad for them. they know that sugar cereals aren't healthful. i should not be punished for their lack of self-control. it is perfectly possible to stay skinny and eat junk once in awhile. if they can't control when that once in awhile is, it's not my problem.