Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas From the Busy Family...

Busy ironic:) I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. We are off to my families so I will catch up with you all when I get back. Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Chris did not meet honormommy. He met a woman who has kids with the same name as honormommy and assumed it was honormommy. Looking back, however, he understands now why said woman was so confused when he told her he was married to busymommy. He apologizes for the misunderstanding and will no longer be telling people his wife's name is busymommy.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Name That Tune #14...

Deity grants respite to a trio of happy cavaliers.

I'm Not Sure I Get This One...

Z: Mom, can you help me put these socks on so I can be a super hero?
Mom: Okay. Are these super hero socks?
Z: Not really.
Mom: Oh. But super heroes wear socks.
Z: No, super heroes don't wear socks, but I'm going to be a super hero who does wear socks. But not mittens 'cause they are too hard to put on.

The Tag Goes In The Back...

"Mommy, could you cut the tag out of these pants so they will be on right?"
-Z, after discovering that his pants were on backwards.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Dear Chelley and Photo...

I would very much like to send you a Christmas card, but since we have never actually spoken I do not have your actual addresses. If you would like to recieve a card from me would you please have Mel or HS send me you address. I will get those right into the mail! Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday, December 15, 2008

Still Laughing...

"Glory to God in the highest and on earth oatmeal for men!"

-Z, very triumphantly!

Things M Said That Could Easily Be Misinterpreted...


DAD! Look at my caboose!


Z, stop stepping on my parts!

Name That Tune #12...

Singular yearning for the twin anterior incisors.

My Christmas Gift From Sparkle...

Babysitting Certificate

This certificate is good for an evening of babysitting for two handsome boys.

*Please allow a week's notice if possible. Your house or mine. Not good on Wednesday. Void where prohibited, taxed or illegal. Not redeemable for cash. Not valid in New Jersey.

I love my friend, Sparkle:D

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Big Winner...

We had a food drive this month at church. The big prize was that the winning Sunday school class got to throw a pie in our youth pastors face as well as one of their teachers. Guess which teacher was the lucky winner? :OD

Name That Tune #11...

Nocturnal noiselessness.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Peacock Story...

(Chris and I were reminiscing and he said I should blog this one.)

Last summer when we were at the zoo there was a peacock roaming around. M was trying to scare it so it would fan out its feathers. Chris explained that male peacocks only do that when they are trying to attract a mate, in 7 year-old terms, "They fan out their feathers to show off when a pretty girl is around." M looked at me and said, "Mom, go over by that peacock so I can see all his tail!" Isn't he just the sweetest thing???

Name That Tune #10...

Parent was observed osculating a red-coated unshaven sleigh driver.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good Luck Explaining That...

M (looking at Z who is wiggling on the floor by him): Z, do you need to use the potty?
Z: No.
M: Are you sure?
Z: NO!
M: Okay, but if you wet your pants again mom will probably lose it. Then you will have to be the one to explain to dad why mom's brains are falling out her ears.
Z promptly gets up and goes to the bathroom.

Name That Tune #9...

Bleached Yule.

What Exactly Is A Customer...

Last night The Stallion took M to a Suns Game. Since the Suns scored more than 99 points we could take the tickets to Jack in the Box today and get two free tacos per ticket. So I took the boys to JB for lunch.
Me: I'd like a large fry, two small sodas, a cheeseburger and four free tacos. (Show her the tickets.)
Cashier: You can only use one ticket per customer.
Me: There are three of us and I only have two tickets.
Cashier: Only people who went to the game can use them.
Me (pointing at M): He went to the game.
Cashier: They aren't customers.
Me: They are ordering food, paying for it and eating it. I think that qualifies them as customers.
Cashier: They aren't paying, you are.
Me: So if I give him the ticket and he orders his tacos separately will he be a customer then?
Cashier: No. You can only use one ticket.

So I used one ticket and then went through the drive thru for my other two free tacos. What a dork.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

In Honor Of Hobbitsister...

Happy Birthday, Donny Osmond!

The Color Conversation...

Chris: I can't write a check in pink. I'll use the turquoise pen.
Me: Why can't you write in pink?
Chris: It isn't masculine.
Me: But turquoise is?
Chris: It's sort of blue.
Me: You used to write me letters in purple. Purple isn't really that masculine, either.
Chris: It isn't pink.

Name That Tune #8...

Jolly red-suited man en route to village.

He's Cute...

"Oh, no! My underwear is inside-out. Its okay, though. I know how to turn it inside-right!"

-Z (right before he attempted to turn his underwear "inside-right" while still wearing it.)

Monday, December 8, 2008

On The 2nd Day of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me...

two noisy boys and a mommy going crazy!!!!!

Name That Tune #7...

Rotund personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Name That Tune #6...

The quadruped with the vermilion proboscis.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Yet Another Reason Why I Love The Stallion...

He is currently in our kitchen wearing a Santa apron and baking our youngest son's birthday cake and 6 dozen chocolate caramel cookies for me to take to the cookie exchange tomorrow. What a lucky girl I am!

What A Memory...

M: What are you two talking about?
Me: We're trying to remember what day you were born on. It was a Tuesday or a Wednesday.
M: It was a Tuesday. I remember.
Me: You don't remember. You were just born.
M: Okay, okay. It was a Wednesday.

Name That Tune #5...

Cup-shaped instruments fashioned of a shiny metallic element.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Dear Hobbitsister,

If you just happened to be making those peanut-butter ritz cookies this year and are near a post office would you please send me one? I try to make them every year, but they never taste like yours and I haven't had one since I moved. I would gladly pay the shipping. But only if you happened to be making them. Either way I still love you.

With Love,

(For those of you who haven't had HS cookies, these are the best because they have peanut-butter and chocolate, which is very happy!)

Guaranteed Relationship Cures...

1. God.
2. Prayer.
3. Cosmo.

Name That Tune #4...

Castaneous-colored seed vesicated in a conflagration.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Name That Tune #3...

Frozen precipitation allowed.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

M's Future Career...

"I've decided that I'm either going to be a dentist that travels around the world or an artist that travels around the world. Either way I'm probably going to need a coat."

Name That Tune #2...

Boulder of the tinkling metal spheres.

(I posted yesterdays answer under comments:)

What's In A Name...

Z: My toucan's name is Pinnochio.
Me: That's a good name for a bird.
Z: And a little wooden boy, too!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Not All That Helpful...

Me: Where are the matches?
Chris: In the bedroom or someplace else.

A Christmas Joke For You...

What do you get from sitting on the ice too long?

Name That Tune #1...

Decorate the entryways.

Only At My House...

"Mom, here is your beautiful star that used to be on the Christmas tree, but now has cheeto stains all over it."

December 1st...

WHAT!?!?!?!? I'm still trying to figure out what happened to October!

Sign's of Maturity...

"I think I've outgrown the Simpson's and moved onto Family Guy."
-The Stallion