Tuesday, July 24, 2012


"You...you...CAPTAIN HOOK!" (meanest name she can think of.)
"I have more boo-beer?"  (It's just root beer, I swear!)
"I runned and runned and then I falled and falled."
"Abby have sandwich.  BLT, please.  And take it apart first."  (Not an actual sandwich, bread, bacon, lettuce and tomato on a plate.)
"This house is driving me crazy!"
"Abby wants to go see um.  And play um."  (Museum with the play area.)
"DADDY'S HOME!  Bout time, too."

And all of these AJ-ism's took place in the last hour...  My ears are starting to hurt.


hobbitsister said...

i'm sure scout would help aj take on that mean ol' captain hook!

Rachel Olimb said...

I love that the girl knows what she wants :).

HonorMommy said...

What absolute sweetness! I miss toddler talk! :-(