Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Kids Biblical Knowledge...

The sky was overcast when we left to take Chris to work this morning, but the sun came up on our way home. Z was very excited and yelled, "Look, mom! There appears the sun of God!!!"

Later that day...

Z: Are you ever gonna have our baby? You've been pregnant for a hundred years!
M: Wow! That's even longer than Abraham was pregnant!


chelleybutton said...

So what's-his-name Isn't the first guy to have a baby?? Who knew? ;)

Kids do say the darnedest (and cutest:) things, don't they? :)

HonorMommy said...

HEE HEE!!! :-D

Fiona D. said...

I can't stop laughing!

Here's one from M that he told me:

"You need to be married to have a baby. Except once. But that was a special occasion."