Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Little Brothers...

Today Z interrupted me when I was on the phone because he wanted a snack. This has been an issue lately, mostly because he follows me around yelling, "MOMMY! Listen to ME!!!" So I put him in time-out. I wanted him to understand why he was in time-out so he and I had the following conversation. (Note: M was playing quietly in room throughout this entire incident.)

Me: Do you interrupt mommy when she is on the phone?
Z: No.
Me: Do you yell at mommy?
Z: No.
Me: You need to sit in the time-out chair for awhile.
(Goes angrily to chair, then yells...)
Z: This is all your fault, M!


I was at the kids dentists one day and asked if raisins were good for their teeth or not. I had heard that dentists didn't want kids to have them because they caused cavities, but then another article said that something in them actually made them good for your teeth. So I asked him which it was. His response just made me laugh.

"Four out of five dentists agree you should ignore all those opinionated dentists and just brush your kids teeth."

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday To You...

Yes, once again it is Kevin's birthday. So from all us true "space-cases", Happy 49Th Birthday. You have still got it going on, baby...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Z's Cootie...

"My cootie has dizzy eyes, mommy mouth and wheelie feet! And a hat."

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Go Me...

I cleaned out my inbox! Seriously, all 3000 messages. Go me!

I miss you guys. I've been praying for you and your families. Be back soon (I HOPE:). Hugs!